We, women’s rights organizations, movements and allies committed to advancing women’s human rights, come together to form the Gender and Trade Coalition in the firm belief that a feminist alliance on trade justice is required to address the pernicious impact of trade rules on women’s human rights and to produce informed policy responses addressing the structural causes of gendered human rights violations.
The Coalition comprises 291 organizational members.
Endorsing Organization | Country of Headquarters | Count |
ACP Civil Society Forum | Belgium | 1 |
Action For Community Development | Nigeria | 1 |
Action Green for Trade and Sustainable Development (AGTSD) | Kenya | 1 |
Action on Child Early and Forced Marriage | Switzerland | 1 |
Action on SDGs Kenya Coalition | Kenya | 1 |
ActionAid Australia | Australia | 1 |
ActionAid International | South Africa | 1 |
ActionAid Liberia | Liberia | 1 |
ActionAid UK | South Africa | 1 |
Adéquations | France | 1 |
Advocates & Trainers For Children & Women's Advancement & Rights (ATCWAR) | Ghana | 1 |
Africa Alliance for Health, Research and Economic Development (AAHRED) | Kenya | 1 |
Africa Centre for Citizens Orientation | Nigeria | 1 |
Africa for Africa Women's Conference | South Africa | 1 |
Africa Gender & Trade Network & Pontso Ya Basadi | South Africa | 1 |
African Cocoa and Coffee Farmer’s Marketing Organization (ACCFMO) | Cameroon | 1 |
African Ecofeminist Collective | Kenya | 1 |
African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) | Kenya | 1 |
African Women's Economic Policy Network (AWEPON) | Kenya | 1 |
Afrihealth Optonet Association | Nigeria | 1 |
Agricultural Missions | El Salvador | 1 |
Aid/Watch | Australia | 1 |
Ajoke Ayisat Afolabi Foundation | Nigeria | 1 |
Akina Mama wa Afrika | Uganda | 1 |
Alliance Contre la Pauvreté au Mali "AP/Mali-GCAP" | Mali | 1 |
Alliance Sud | Switzerland | 1 |
Amis des Etrangers au Togo (ADET) | Togo | 1 |
Amnesty International | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
Anomena Ventures | Ghana | 1 |
Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) | Lebanon | 1 |
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and Development (APWLD) | Thailand | 1 |
Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Center for Women (ARROW) | Malaysia | 1 |
Asociación de Trabajadoras del Hogar, a Domicilio y de Maquila (ATRAHDOM) | Guatemala | 1 |
Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women (ESE) | Macedonia | 1 |
Association For Promotion Sustainable Development | India | 1 |
Association of District Coordination Committees of Nepal | Nepal | 1 |
Association of Nigerian Women Business Network (ANWBN) | Nigeria | 1 |
Association of Women's Rights in Development (AWID) | Global | 1 |
Association pour la Promotion de la Lutte Contre les Violences faites aux Femmes et la Participation au Développement de la Femme Africaine | Cameroon | 1 |
Association pour le Developpement Culturel (ADEC) | Chad | 1 |
Association Women for the Contemporary Society | Moldova | 1 |
Balkan WASH Network | Macedonia | 1 |
Banana Link | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication | Bangladesh | 1 |
Barbados Association of NGOs (BANGO) | Barbados | 1 |
Barnabas Charity Outreach | Nigeria | 1 |
Believe mental health care organization | Kenya | 1 |
Beyond Beijing Committee | Nepal | 1 |
Bretton Woods Project | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
BRICS Feminist Watch (BFW) | South Africa | 1 |
Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Livelihoods (COESL) | Barbados | 1 |
Caribbean Mentorship Institute | Barbados | 1 |
Cavear Inc. | Barbados | 1 |
Center for Participatory Research and Development (CPRD) | Bangladesh | 1 |
Centre Algérien d’Analyse de Cycle de Vie et Eco-Conception (CALAE) | Algeria | 1 |
Centre d'Echanges et Ressources pour la Promotion des Actions Communautaires (CERPAC) | Democratic Republic of Congo | 1 |
Centre for Policy Analysis, Ghana (CEPA) | Ghana | 1 |
Centre for Transformation of the Underprivileged | Nigeria | 1 |
Centre National de Coopération au Développement (CNCD)-11.11.11 | Belgium | 1 |
Change The System | Bolivia | 1 |
Chikka Federation of India | India | 1 |
Childolescent and Family Survival Organization – Women's Rights Action Group (CAFSO-WRAG) | Nigeria | 1 |
Children and Young People Living for Peace | Nigeria | 1 |
Citizen News Service (CNS) | India | 1 |
Civil Society Coalition on Sustainable Development | Nigeria | 1 |
Climate Change Fighters | Uganda | 1 |
Coalition On Girls Empowerment (COGE) | Uganda | 1 |
College of Economics | Serbia | 1 |
Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan | Pakistan | 1 |
Computer Literacy Shelter Welfare Rawalpindi Pakistan | Pakistan | 1 |
Concerned Citizens Speak, Inc. | United States of America | 1 |
Congregation of our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd | United States of America | 1 |
Connecting Gender for Development (COGEN) | Nigeria | 1 |
Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights | United States of America | 1 |
Deepti Bhuban | Bangladesh | 1 |
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era | Fiji | 1 |
Developmental Association for Human Advancement-DEHAT | India | 1 |
Disability People's Forum Uganda | Uganda | 1 |
Dr. Uzo Adirieje Foundation (DUZAFOUND) | Nigeria | 1 |
Dublin Institute of Technology | Ireland | 1 |
East African Trade Union Confederation | Tanzania | 1 |
Eastern Caribbean Alliancs for Diversity and Equality (ECADE) | Saint Lucia | 1 |
Echoes of Women in Africa Initiatives | Nigeria | 1 |
Eco Justice | Macedonia | 1 |
EcoDistributionLines | Republic of Moldova | 1 |
Elmoustkbal Organization for Media and Policy studies | Egypt | 1 |
Emonyo Yefwe International | Kenya | 1 |
Energy FM SA | South Africa | 1 |
Enga Women In Coffee | Papua New Guinea | 1 |
Equality Bahamas | The Bahamas | 1 |
Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia | Mexico | 1 |
Fairwatch | Italy | 1 |
Fakotôry | Madagascar | 1 |
Federation of Democratic Labour Unions | Mauritius | 1 |
Federation of Envirnmental and Ecological Diversity for Agricultural Revampment and Human Rights | Cameroon | 1 |
Femmes et Droits Humains | Mali | 1 |
Focus on Women Magazine | United States of America | 1 |
FOKUS-Forum for Women and Development | Norway | 1 |
Fondes Amandes Community Reforestation Project | Trinidad | 1 |
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) | Germany | 1 |
Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association (FHRRDA) | Pakistan | 1 |
Gatef | Egypt | 1 |
Gender and Development Network (GADN) | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice | Germany | 1 |
GENDES AC | Mexico | 1 |
Global Institute for Women's Empowerment Group (GIWE GROUP) | Mali | 1 |
Global Media Foundation | Ghana | 1 |
Global South Initiative | Nepal | 1 |
Groupe Concertation de Femmes Victimes SGVB | Haiti | 1 |
Groupe de Réflexion et d'Initiative pour l'Avancement de la. Grand'Anse (GRIAG) | Haiti | 1 |
Grow Cassava, Palm-Tree And Farm Produce For Cash (GCPPC) | Nigeria | 1 |
Haurralde Foundation | Spain | 1 |
His Marvellous Grace Support Foundation | Nigeria | 1 |
Human Environmental Association for Development | Lebanon | 1 |
Human Rights Sanrakshan Sansthaa | India | 1 |
Humanitaire Plus | United States of America | 1 |
Humanity Beyond Borders | Kenya | 1 |
IBON International | Philippines | 1 |
Imani, Grace & Love Foundation | Jamaica | 1 |
Indigenous Women Empowerment Network | Ghana | 1 |
Indigenous Women League Nepal (IWL Nepal) | Nepal | 1 |
Indigenous Youth Alliance, Ghana | Ghana | 1 |
Inscape Research & Consulting | Kenya | 1 |
Inspired Next | Nigeria | 1 |
Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions (ISEES) | Ghana | 1 |
Integrated Policy Research Institute | United States of America | 1 |
International Council of Women | France | 1 |
International Forum for the. Rights of Black People Inc. (IFRBP) | United States of America | 1 |
International Partnership and Development Organization | Russian Federation | 1 |
International Trade Union Confederation | Beglium | 1 |
International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific | Malaysia | 1 |
IT for Change | India | 1 |
Jago Nari | Bangladesh | 1 |
Jajaz in Christ | Uganda | 1 |
Journalists for Human Rights | Macedonia | 1 |
Justice, Action, and Development Foundation | Pakistan | 1 |
Karachi Research Chair - a policy think-tank | Pakistan | 1 |
Kenana Association | Oman | 1 |
Kenya Communities Upgrading Standards | Kenya | 1 |
KOTHOWAIN (Vulnerable People's Development Organisation) | Bangladesh | 1 |
Kvindernes U-landsudvalg (KULU-Women and Development) | Denmark | 1 |
La Red de Género y Comercio/Latin America Gender and Trade Network | Brazil | 1 |
Laboratoire de Recherche en Economie et Gestion (LAREG) | Benin | 1 |
Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization | Sri Lanka | 1 |
Law Futures Centre, Griffith University | Australia | 1 |
Letsema Resource Support for Women in Politics | Botswana | 1 |
Liberation Alliance Africa | Nigeria | 1 |
Linking Skills Ltd | Cameroon | 1 |
Make Mothers Matter (MMM) | France | 1 |
Maldivian Network for Empowering Women | Maldives | 1 |
Mauritius Trade Union Congress | Mauritius | 1 |
Mauwa Initiative | Kenya | 1 |
Medica Liberia | Liberia | 1 |
MENA Fem Movement For Economic, Development and Ecological Justice | Morocco | 1 |
Ministry of trade, industry and handicraft | Burkina Faso | 1 |
Mkakati Action | Tanzania | 1 |
Moremi Initiative for Women's Leadership in Africa | Ghana | 1 |
Myanmar Human Rights Alliances Network (MHRAN) | Myanmar | 1 |
National Alliance of Women Human Right Defenders, Nepal | Nepal | 1 |
National Alliance of Women's Organisations | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
National Association of Women's Organizations in Uganda (NAWOU) | Uganda | 1 |
National Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Liberia (NACCSOL) | Liberia | 1 |
Natural Environment Technology in Africa (NET) Africa | Belgium | 1 |
Nawi–Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective | Kenya | 1 |
Network for Women's Rights in Ghana (NETRIGHT) | Ghana | 1 |
New Future Foundation | United States of America | 1 |
NGO "Women from region- for Community Development" | Georgia | 1 |
Nigeria Private Sector Alliance | Nigeria | 1 |
NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark | Denmark | 1 |
NOOR Pakistan | Pakistan | 1 |
Observadoras de la Ley de Aborto | Chile | 1 |
Okogun Odigie Safewomb International Foundation (OOSAIF) | Nigeria | 1 |
Organisation de Femmes Pour le Developpement de Thomonde - OFAT | Haiti | 1 |
Osi Joe Touching Lives Initiative | Nigeria | 1 |
OurCause | Canada | 1 |
Oxfam Mexico | Mexico | 1 |
Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) | Fiji | 1 |
Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization | Pakistan | 1 |
Pan African Chamber of commerce | South Africa | 1 |
Pan African Institute for Entrepreneurship and Community Development | Nigeria | 1 |
Pan Africanist Womens Organisation | South Africa | 1 |
Participation Active des Dirigeants JeunesElites Niant L'Aboulie (PADJENA) | Benin | 1 |
Peoples Development Communitry (PDC) | Bangladesh | 1 |
Plan International | Global | 1 |
Pontsho Ya Basadi Women's Cooperative | South Africa | 1 |
Professional Business Women Association | Albania | 1 |
Programme on Women's Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (PWESCR) | India | 1 |
Public Services International | France | 1 |
Public Services International Americas | Brazil | 1 |
Radanar Ayar Association | Myanmar | 1 |
Rainbow Pride Foundation | Fiji | 1 |
Raise Your Voice Saint Lucia Inc | St. Lucia | 1 |
Reacción Climática | Bolivia | 1 |
Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Justice (RESURJ) | Global | 1 |
Regional Centre for International Development Cooperation (RCIDC) | Uganda | 1 |
Regions Refocus | United States of America | 1 |
Réseau pour le Développement Local et l'Auto promotion d la Femme, de l'Enfant et la Famille (RDL/AFEF) | Mali | 1 |
Rural Area Development Programme (RADP) | Nepal | 1 |
Rwanda Women's Network | Rwanda | 1 |
Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy | Uganda | 1 |
Save the Planet | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
SDG Foundation | India | 1 |
SDGs Kenya Forum | Kenya | 1 |
Servicios Ecumenicos para Reconcilacion y Reconstruccion (SERR) | United States of America | 1 |
Shariatpur Development Society (SDS) | Bangladesh | 1 |
Shirakat - Partnership for Development | Pakistan | 1 |
Shreyans Prasad Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) | India | 1 |
Siglo XXIII | El Salvador | 1 |
Sisterhood Ventures Africa | Kenya | 1 |
Sisters of Charity Federation | United States of America | 1 |
Society for Conservation and Sustainability of Energy and Environment in Nigeria (SOCSEEN) | Nigeria | 1 |
Society for International Development (SID) | Italy | 1 |
Society For Orphan, Neglected and Youths (SONY) | India | 1 |
Society for Rural Education and Development | India | 1 |
Solidaritas Perempuan | Indonesia | 1 |
Somali Defenders | Somalia | 1 |
Somali Youth Development Foundation (SYDF) | Somalia | 1 |
Soroptimist International | Great Britain | 1 |
Sourcing Justice CIC | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
Southern Africa Cross Border Traders Association (SACBTA) | Zambia | 1 |
Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) | Uganda | 1 |
SPECTRA | Rwanda | 1 |
Sunita Kotnala Consulting | Australia | 1 |
Sustainable Beekeeping and Human Development (SuBeHuDe) | Tanzania | 1 |
Sustainable Development Law Policy and Practice | Switzerland | 1 |
Sustainable Environment Food and Agriculture Initiative | Nigeria | 1 |
Sustainable Fish Farming Initiative (SFFI) | Nepal | 1 |
Sustainable Rural Community Development Organisation | Malawi | 1 |
Tamkeen Association for Social Development | Egypt | 1 |
Tanora Garan'Teen | Madagascar | 1 |
Tejiendo Pensamiento | Colombia | 1 |
Terram Pacis | Norway | 1 |
The Chisholm Legacy Project | United States of America | 1 |
The Gender Security Project | India | 1 |
The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) | Thailand | 1 |
The New Wash Burn Foundation (NWBF) | Tanzania | 1 |
Third World Network | Malaysia | 1 |
Third World Network–Africa | Ghana | 1 |
Trade Collective | South Africa | 1 |
Trade Justice Movement | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
Traidcraft Exchange | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
Trippinz Care Inc | United States of America | 1 |
Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development | Uganda | 1 |
Uganda Youth Alliance For Family Planning And Adolescents Health-UYAFPAH | Uganda | 1 |
Umuntu Movement Tanzanian | Tanzania | 1 |
UN NGO Major Group Africa | Egypt | 1 |
Union de l'Action Féministe | Morocco | 1 |
Union des Amis Socio Culturels d'Action en Développement (UNASCAD) | Haiti | 1 |
UNISON | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
United Nations Association of Somalia | Somalia | 1 |
United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) | United States of America | 1 |
Uri Solutions | Kenya | 1 |
Vikas Adhyayan Kendra | India | 1 |
Violencia basada en Género contra las personas Afrodescendientes (VigiaAfro) | Colombia | 1 |
Vwa Fanm Ayisyèn (VFA) | Haïti | 1 |
War on Want | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
WeGovern, Institute, Inc. | Philippines | 1 |
WEtalk Series | Uganda | 1 |
Womankind Worldwide | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
Women and Girl Child Development Association (WEGCDA) | Uganda | 1 |
Women Educators Association of Nigeria | Nigeria | 1 |
Women Engage for a Common Future - WECF e.V. | Netherlands | 1 |
Women for Peace and Gender Equality Initiative | Nigeria | 1 |
Women in Development Europe (WIDE) Austria | Austria | 1 |
Women in Development Europe+ (WIDE+) | Belgium | 1 |
Women in Migration Network | United States of America | 1 |
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom | Switzerland | 1 |
Women's Rehabilitation Center (WOREC) | Nepal | 1 |
Women's United Nations Report Network (WUNRN) | United States of America | 1 |
Womens Environment and Development Organization | United States of America | 1 |
World Distribution Federation (WDF) | United States of America | 1 |
Yadgar Welfare Society Pakistan | Pakistan | 1 |
YouAct - European Youth Network on Sexual and Reproductive Rights | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 1 |
Young Liberian Women Organization for Improvement | Liberia | 1 |
Young Men Association | Botswana | 1 |
Youth Action Movement Uganda | Uganda | 1 |
Youth Advocacy Network (YAN) | Pakistan | 1 |
Youth and Women for Opportunities Uganda | Uganda | 1 |
Youth Association for Development | Pakistan | 1 |
Youth Empowerment and Leadership Initiative (YELI) | Burundi | 1 |
Youth For Environment Education And Development Foundation | Nepal | 1 |
Youth Foundation of Bangladesh | Bangladesh | 1 |
Zimbabwe United Nations Association | Zimbabwe | 1 |
Zimbabweanwomen5050 Trust | Zimbabwe | 1 |
NGO: ADET | Togo | 1 |
Puanifesto | Indonesia | 1 |
Asociación de Trabajadoras del Hogar a Domicilio y de Maquila - ATRAHDOM | Guatemala | 1 |
Labour Research Service | South Africa | 1 |
Zamara Foundation | Kenya | 1 |
Shine Collab | United States of America | 1 |
Aajeevika Bureau | India | 1 |
∑ = 291 |
If your organization wants to actively shape
a feminist trade justice agenda,
please endorse our unity statement
to join the coalition: